
As Ralph Waldo Emerson once said "Most of the shadows of this life are caused by standing in one’s own sunshine.” All of us on this path of continuous self-discovery learn to grow from being ‘in’ the sunshine to simply ‘being’ the sunshine of our own lives. We are constantly in a journey of finding Love and Light…WITHIN! 

Some of these ‘shadows’ or issues are known to us at a conscious level and we are able to effect the requisite changes. Other shadows could be so large that objectivity is lost. Unable to understand ourselves, we wonder why the universe seems so unjust. We then embark on a quest to find out answers; as we have experienced, surprisingly the answers come from within us! We are the treasure trove of all the answers that we seek. We learn that a rainbow is created by the presence of both rain and sunshine. 

Many a time, we are trapped and constrained by our own belief systems that form through conditioning or incorrect lessons that we picked from our past experiences. We have been led to believe that we get results only through hard work, however the truth is that the universe is very giving and only understands positive requests. Just as how a search for the keyword "no sadness" in Google is likely to result in many pages that are about "sadness" and a search for "happiness", gets results that match pages on "happiness". 

The quest most of us have in life is for getting peace, happiness and love regardless of what our situation in life is. The answers are in the infinitum of our mind (which we call sub-conscious). Sunshine Wellness Studio is an endeavor to act as a channel, a facilitator for every client to understand themselves for who they are!